Monday, February 7, 2011

What Makes You Tick?...

What do you feel are the most important things you will need to do (or have done so far) in order to 'survive' Grade 9?


  1. I will always complete my assignments! I will stay loyal to my friends and teachers. (And get Mr. Stroeder a bunwich every now and then)

  2. Defineately the self-defence classes :p

    Actually, I'd have to be completing my assignment on time, being on the good side of the teachers, and having lots of friends :)

  3. To survive grade nine I'll hand in assignments on time and to the best of my ability so I can get good marks, stay loyal to friends, do homework well and as soon as possible so everythings not last minute rush, and take time out on weekends to relax.

  4. The most important things I will have to do to survive grade nine would probably include making new friends and keeping current friends. Getting on the good side of teachers and finishing assingments in time. Getting a good mark with science fair would also help to survive grade nine.
